Monday, March 17, 2008

Guidelines for Quality

Have jumped into this document on several occasions, and everytime want to pick different guidelines to concentrate on, now it is time to make a decision. For now I will be looking at
TD1 Is the use of e-learning the best way to achieve the
intended learning outcomes?

I often get approached to wrote and implement an e-learning programme as people see it as the great answer to all their problems. We need to keep asking ourselves - just because we can, should we be doing it?

Good Practice
TT6 Are online activities available that will enable students to
assess their learning?

This is an area that I need to develop more, although I have been including activities. quizes etc, I feel that this area needs some work.

TT13 Does the teacher evaluate the e-learning during the course to identify its effectiveness and how to improve it?

Again, an area that needs more work. It is easy to provide an e-learning module, publish it, and make it available to our staff, but we also need to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our users. Is it being used. We can build it, but will they come? What else can we do to make e-learning an effective learning tool for our staff?


Hilary said...

Hi Barbara

In response to your TD1 guideline comment. It would appear so often (and there has been several postings on this made in previous papers) that many who advocate eLearning programmes as 'the solution' are often not aware of the amount of time, energy and effort it requires. The stance being: quality and quantity therefore must equal efficiency. Is the driver behind this maybe a volume thing in so much as it is believed a high number of modules can be covered this way? Could be an interesting criterion to consider.

Bronwyn hegarty said...

Great to see two guidelines which compliment each other very well. TD1 - learner-centred and achievement of learning outcomes and TT6 - good practice and self assessment. TT13 is also very important and fits well as it is about meeting students' needs.

I would like to see you describe the issues which led you to select these guidelines and how the guidelines might help you address the issues. This description will form the background in your evaluation plan.

Helga said...

Hi Barbara,
it is interesting to see that in your case e-learning is seen as 'the answer' to all their problems, whether you would like to question that to make sure it really is.
In my case it is more the other way around. I personally think it is at least a good solution for our situation but my trainees and even the customers first approach is 'scary' and 'not effective' even though they haven't tried it.

How do your participants/trainees see it?

Gordon said...

Hi Barbara, looking at the first point you raise about TD1, do we make assumptions that e-learning is actually what the people want. We assume that it is and also that it is the preference of young people.

I came across this blog post, which I found surprising. It seems to run against the flow of our understanding.

Not sure exactly what millenials are, but think it must be the younger generation of employees.
